Reading the Inklings: Robert Harvard (Preparation)

The adventure of reading the works by the Inklings (besides just Tolkien and CS Lewis) is about to begin. The ironic thing, though, is that it’s actually about to start with CS Lewis.

Only a few of the books I plan to read are available as eBooks at the library and most of them are already checked out. So I decided that it’s okay to start with one of the authors I’ve already read before: CS Lewis. After all, the only non-medical journal work written by Robert Harvard (who was indeed a doctor) is an appendix in Lewis’ The Problem of Pain.

I can’t believe I’ve never read The Problem of Pain before, but now seems like an appropriate time. Life has been hard, and I could use some encouragement from someone who’s been there as well. And it only seems appropriate to read the whole book before the appendix written by Harvard.

Have you ever read The Problem of Pain? Do you have trouble finding the books you want via library eBooks too? :)

3 thoughts on “Reading the Inklings: Robert Harvard (Preparation)

  1. I’ve never read The Problem of Pain (or even heard of it, I confess).

    I’m really not into borrowing books. As I talked about on my blog recently, I think it’s really important that there be libraries, but I like actually owning books (and songs).

    Amazon is always pointing out that if I belonged to this or that I could borrow things or stream things or whatever, but I’ve never investigated whatever it is that they’re trying to hook me with.

    1. I’m looking forward to reading that post. : ) I usually prefer to own them too, but when I don’t know anything about a series, it’s nice to check it out before committing. Though, I probably should own The Problem of Pain. It’s one of several Lewis books I’m missing.

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